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In Morocco, street cats are breeding at an uncontrollable rate. Too often, local communities turn a blind eye to their suffering, and with each new kitten born, another helpless animal is condemned to a life of disease and suffering.

The only way to stem this explosion of unwanted and uncared-for kittens is to sterilize as many of Morocco’s street cats as possible – and we can’t do this without your help.

We are planning a mass sterilization program to prevent even more kittens from being born into a life of misery – but we can only make this happen with your support.

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Credit: Kawtar Douhaoui

The harsh reality

A single unspayed female cat can produce up to five litters each year, starting when they are just five months old. This means that kittens are having kittens, causing the uncontrolled and explosive growth of cats fighting for survival on Morocco’s streets.

With a constantly growing street cat population and local people largely unwilling or unable to help, life as a street cat in Morocco is a truly hellish existence. Uncontrolled breeding, hunger and fighting are daily realities, as are rampant disease, festering wounds and – too often – painful and untimely deaths.

Immediate action is needed if we are to stop this suffering!

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Credit: Kawtar Douhaoui

An everyday struggle

Our partner in Rabat, Morocco, provides daily meals to over 100 cats and kittens, along with comprehensive care for animals in distress. These kind-hearted souls are constantly rescuing sick and injured cats and kittens, some who have been poisoned by cold-blooded locals who see them as nothing but pests.

And while sick cats pour in every day from Rabat and surrounding areas, there are barely enough funds to keep them fed – a sterilization program is desperately needed to reduce the number of kittens born into suffering.

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Credit: Kawtar Douhaoui

Despite its lack of funds and the immense number of cats that desperately need help, our partner is doing incredible work, looking after kittens like Yassmina and Rayhanna. Both of these sweet kittens had eye conditions that were so severe they needed surgery to remove them – but thanks to our help, both received the life-saving care they needed and have found loving forever homes.

But the goal isn’t just to save those who are suffering now; it is to embark on a program that will lessen suffering in the future – and that’s where you come in.

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Credit: Kawtar Douhaoui

Caring for the unborn: How you can help

With your help, we can kickstart a crucial program to spay and neuter Morocco’s street cats. This is by far the most effective way to minimize future suffering and your contribution will help us make this program a resounding success.

Sterilization costs around $45 (£35) for females and $22 (£18) for males. If we can raise $ 15,000 (£12,000), we can sterilize more than 500 cats – saving as many as 12,000 kittens from being born into a harsh life on the streets of Morocco each and every year.

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Credit: Kawtar Douhaoui

Gloria Signature

Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Network for Animals

P.S. Morocco’s street cats are relying on us! Mass sterilization is CRITICAL and the only way to save cat lives in the long-term. Please donate right now.

Banner credit: Kawtar Douhaoui

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